Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Better Health Brewed Daily

Each day I experience a moment of profound sadness that sends my heart dripping to the deepest depths of despair. Normally I’m not the kind of person who runs so hot and cold, but it is hard to press on after such a painful part of the day. My friends would certainly classify me as “glass is half full” kind of person, but an empty mug makes the daily grind almost unbearable. Luckily this feeling does not brew for very long, for today will filter into a perky tomorrow, and I am back to my cheery self in an instant.

I love coffee and am not ashamed to admit to my addiction. Coffee makes me happy; somehow it relaxes and stimulates me simultaneously. Part of my goal to find greater balance in life includes addressing all areas of over-indulgence; food, wine, and unfortunately, coffee. Coffee is certainly an area where I struggle with tendencies to over-indulge and I needed to cut my coffee consumption down to what the general population would consider normal range.

With my mug no longer bottomless, I have the unfortunate experience of actually knowing if my coffee is actually good to last drop. Tipping my mug to take full advantage of the liquid gold; recent studies indicate that a daily coffee habit can help stave off diseases like diabetes, Parkinson’s, colon cancer, heart disease, and cirrhosis. On top of staving off diseases, coffee is chock full of antioxidants, protecting us from a host of little bugs that bring harm to our bodies. Coffee could very well be the best thing we do for our bodies all day! Coffee drinkers, ignore caffeine naysayer’s, hold your mugs up high and be proud of the steps you are taking towards better health and well being.

Here’s to your health.


Anonymous said...

Here here!

Ellen Louise said...

also...have you see this study? Apparently, it isn't just drinking coffee that is good for you, it is drinking coffee IN EXCESS! 5-7 cups a day reduces your risk of heart attack by 34%! Although I must say that when I tried to go without my morning cuppa yesterday for the first time in MONTHS I had a massive headache which I then (of course) remedied by having a venti triple shot latte from the starbucks across the street. sigh.

Claire Uncorked said...

I'm lost without my coffee in the morning, & like you, we splurge on the good stuff. Well, maybe not the REALLY good stuff (although on occasion, we do get Kona or JBM), but we don't drink stuff that comes in a can....

Anonymous said...

Oh I think you know how I feel on this issue. I miss your coffee maker already - the vending machine coffee just isn't the same. :)

Vagablonde Bombchelle said...

I'm so glad I have others to share this love of coffee with. Do you have any idea how difficult it is being married to a man who hates coffee? The joy of sitting in the corner of a coffee shop taking in a cup and the surroundings is completely lost on him. Sigh, at least he drinks beer and wine...
