I make lists for everything; shopping, cleaning, work tasks, menus, decorating, parties, etc. Lists are an important part of combating my natural ADD tendency to lose focus on a task, work on 30 things at the same time, and ultimately accomplishing nothing. The only thing I like more than a good list is a categorized list. Shopping lists can be categorized by what store the item is at, cleaning lists can be categorized by room of the house, and menus are often categorized by length of cooking time to ensure all items hit the table at the same time. Understanding the way my brain works and the need for lists to achieve personal success helps in all facets of my life, including my annual New Year’s Resolutions. In theory each resolution should yield improvement to one’s body, mind, or spirit. This year I tried to categorize my resolutions by personal improvement area to allow my brain to clearly focus on the tasks. However attempting to categorize my New Year’s Resolutions proved impossible because good resolutions, the kind that really yield positive improvement, should feed the body, mind, and soul.
- Reading: Finish 12 books; keep track of what is read.
- Outgoing: Get out of life ruts by trying a new “thing” every month; restaurant, museum, park, sport, stage production, etc.
- Electronic De-clutter: I become incredibly overwhelmed by my email boxes (work, personal, blog) and end up ignoring them as if the piling messages will just go away. Each inbox should remain below 200 messages, deleting or filing messages to keep the number in check.
- Firm Up: Workout at least 180 days this year with a minimum of 150 group fitness classes.
- Year of Living Chainlessly: Only visit national “chain” restaurants when local options are not available; support local merchants and growers wherever possible.
- Animal Planet: Contribute to local humane society, support local pet friendly establishments, get involved with an animal charity event, remember to brush Luna & Solei’s teeth, and visit dog parks at least 10 times during the year.
- Bare Necessities: Before every purchase question myself; “do I really need this?” “Do I have something like this already?” “Can I live without this?” Don’t stock up on items just because they are on sale. Avoid Target where many of these unnecessary purchases occur.
- Detoxification: Practice an average of four Alcohol Free Days (AFDs) per week to cut out “needless” calories, netting out to 208 AFDs for the year. This requires “paying it forward” for times planned of debauchery (vacations, holidays, birthweek, etc.).
- Let Me Entertain You: 2008 was severely lacking in the house party department. In addition to the usual casual stuff at Casa Van Betta we will throw at least one “theme party” a quarter (and resurrect our Iron Chef battles).
- Be a girlfriend, not just a wife: Plan at least one date with my husband a month, reminding each other that there is more to marriage than bills and housework.
- Settling In: Finish painting the hallway, office, and third bedroom; all are still builders’ white nearly 4 years after completing construction.
- Photographic Memories: Finish scrapbooking 2005 Europe Trip, Australia 2006, and New Zealand 2007 trips.
- Writing: Post at least one blog a week of “feature article” length; 750 to 1000 words.
- Healthy Weight: My resolution last year was to maintain a “Happy Weight” which I technically accomplished since I finally learned that I could be happy at any weight. With this amazing discovery it pains me to admit I still need the scale to trend downward for my health… and that discovery is worthy of a “featured length” article.